30 April 2007

More About Me....

Anna is so thoughtful for including my name regarding this so called 7 thingy about yourself. This is pretty informative and helpful that would give some insights of what kind of blogger and a friend you are. I picked 7 attributes of who am I:

1. I'm down to earth person. I'm humble as humblest as I could be. I would rather to have nothing than my family. My family comes first before me and God first among the rest. He is my only refuge. Huh this is serious... My heart shout out for the oppressed and abused. I stand out if my ego was struck!

2. I shop when the clearance slogan are up. I went straight to where the SALE items are located. I collect coupons. I Love GAP no matter what!

3. I ate chicken always even when we eat out but preferrably grilled and water.

4. I enjoyed altering my own clothes.

5. I don't cook unless it's needed hehehhe. I don't have time...

6. I'm workaholic.

7. Above all I love going out with my inquisitive boy "Kyle" and my beloved hubby.

As the rules: I need to pass this tag to my fellow blogger: Lily, Honey, Raquel, Juliet, Lutchi, Agring and Nitz.. Have fun ya'll let's know each other!


  1. Hi Jon, nitiwas nlng kog basa sa tag nimo..and I enjoyed reading it..pareha sad ta mas ganahan mgshopping sa mga clearance stuff..para kasave..hheheh..oi, thanks for including my name..I`ll try to make it soon as possible..Thanks..ok bye 4 now..happy tuesday..kisses 2 Kyle for me..God bless!

  2. Pag may time lang ko himo Jon ha!
    First one is the best! I salute you!

  3. Hi Jon, wow thanks for answering my tag girl. Love your number answer and i know you are that kind of lady. I appreciate it Jona for answering this tag. Have a nice sunday.
