31 December 2007

Happy New Year!!!

This is my pahabol post before it turns year 2008! Happy New Year to all my friends/bloggers/hoppers and etc. It's so nice to keep in touch with you fellows though it's not frequently. I still managed to check on my tag board and able to reply to you. I felt bad because I can't reply right away but I surely read your messages and it brings smile on me. Thank you so much for unceasingly remembering us. This is just quick post for those who wonder where and what we're up to. We had a terrific Christmas. Last year we didn't celebrate it because my Papa died. We tried to fill up the missing part for our Kyle this Christmas and surely enough he had a blast Christmas. Santa Claus had brought him tremendous presents for he is been good. His big bros Greg and David and Steph had given him a riding Go Diego jeep, and a bicycle, Aunt Janne gave him a knight armor, Aunt Jocelyn gave him laptop to set on his desk. He has this so called desk at home which is the coffee table. He put up all his stuff in there and turn it just like Ms. Diane (School Dir.). He told Ms. Diane that he made his own desk just like hers. He'll be turn 4 this Jan. 19th and he is so excited for his party so we are too. It has been a busy month for us a lot of parties we had attended and I'm so grateful to share these photos to you so peek a look. Love you friends.

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