26 May 2009

Graduation Day!!!

Yay our beloved son graduated from K-4!!! We are super excited to witness this memorable event of his life with his fellow pre-schoolers on stage. It was a simple graduation ceremony but lavished with adorable and superb pre-schoolers. They were surely the higlight of that day definitely. It was a mix feeling of emotions watching them ramped on stage, a feeling of joy because they completed the K-4 and a feeling of sadness because we will definitely miss the teacher and especially the his classmates. They have been together and become friends since they were toddler and from not being potty train and up to this time. All of them will be going to different schools and to where Kyle is going nobody from his class would be there but Kyle.
The parents of this class are so awesome and sweet. I will definitely miss them too. Anyway back to Kyle's graduation it was pretty good. Their teacher really worked hard for the kids to master those graduation songs wondefully. It was perfectly sang and so compelling. Me and Glenn just so proud watching them. They are so excited to received their diploma even though it was accompanied with some bloopers heheheh. Some of them just showing their silliness and really stir up the crowd hehehe. Our Kyle did great in singing so proud of all the pre-schoolers. I can't wait to find out how would they handle the BIG school by fall.