11 August 2009

Meet the Teacher!

Tomorrow is Kyle's last day in pre-school, his very beloved pre-school! It's more than words to express but it's a place that instilled values, love, joy and fun-learning adventures. It's a place you call home, surrounded with beautiful and loving teachers and such a nice environment for little ones. Kyle bonded so much to this school and really learned a lot. He made his own buddy that he really cares a lot his teachers and above all Ms. D., every day he'll come by to her office and showed his bear report. If he did have a great day he'll get a treat and will come tell her what he did for that day but if didn't have a great day he won't talk to her and pretended that he didn't know what he did. Ms. D had a great influence on Kyle in fact, he made his own office at home just like Ms. D has. He arranged it exactly like hers. He adored her so much.
It's definitely hard on me too since we're just next door to each other. But it's time for him to move on and to come to the reality that our baby is growing up. Yesterday was his "meet the teacher" night. We got there 20 minutes ealier but to our surprise the place was packed with vehicles. The parking area was hard to find. The school was pretty and tidy it's very inviting when you go in. When we approached to his room he was so excited when he saw his name hanging outside! His teacher really spent a lot of time preparing for that day. It was very organized and well explained rules adn regulations. His classroom's rules were vividly stated and we are just hoping that we are in the same page as the school progresses. He is so excited and can't wait to start. I will try not to think it too much. I promise to myself I won't cry. Thursday will be our BIG day. Over all we really impressed and can't wait to start his new page at Kidergartner!

1 comment:

  1. beautifully written:) this is such a big milestone for our big boy:) you're a great mommy:)
