This is my first summer school. I opted to take the full summer class rather than taking the mini-term classes. This is going to be a fun-exciting summer school adventure. It has been awhile since my last post. But I kept my blog because I know I will be back and be active again. Lately I have been so busy at work, a mom and being a student. Yes! I am a student again. I deciced to take some classes in education since my field of work is in this field. I have an awesome first semester at school and I made all A's - all my hardworks and efforts really paid off. I am so blessed to have an scholarship that eases up my financial burden, I am grateful to be one of their scholars and I will make sure I won't let them down. Going back to school really bring back memories in college back in Philippines and made me realized how much amount of hardworks, perseverance and patience I exerted to get a degree despite of hardships. I was able to sustain my schooling through a scholarhip that offered by the university. This is just a testimony that money is not a hindrance of education if you have perseverance, determination and confidence to yourself. Going back to school really bring fires on me despite of my occupied schedule at home and at work I still managed to balance on everything especially if you have an active-curious 6 years old boy. I do missed being a lazy caterpillar on the summer but I can't deny the fact that I am striving for more knowledge in order for me to be equipped with fresh knowledge and be an invigorating advocate for these young children. I have passion in teaching that's why I chose to go back to school and to widen my understanding and be a better teacher for young children.
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