03 January 2013

Flashback of 2012

        The last entry I made was a month or two months ago. Wow! I was definitely a slacker! Well it's good thing it's a New Year, and I can do better, hopefully :). Where was I? The  the last entry I made was about the Halloween, so I guess I have to write my entry about Christmas, don't I? Seriously, the last quarter of 2012 was a busy year, juggling in between, work, schooling, and family can definitely tire you out. I am so thankful that the year 2012 went smooth with "little bumps on the road" (Obama). My husband is doing great, and our son is doing great at school! Above all, the highlight of last year was when Kyle and I went to the Philippines.

       It was an unforgettable moment when Kyle and his kinfolks finally met. The whole family was waiting for that moment to finally see Kyle in person.  The few weeks of time spent with them was priceless, and irreplaceable. The memories of meeting them still linger to his mind, and hoping to see them again soon. He misses them a lot!

       Overall, the year 2012 was another blessing, and a year to remember.  We are so thankful to be surrounded with great family and friends. I am hoping that this year of 2013 will be another blissful year.

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